Friday, March 28, 2014

S#!T is Getting Real--And I Couldn't Be More Pumped

Hi Everyone!

***DRINKING GAME ALERT***Take a shot every time I use some form of the word "excited" may not make it to the end of this post.

I hope y'all are enjoying this gorgeous Friday as much as I am. High in the mid 70s without a haboob? I'm in. And the best part is that I get to work on my parent's porch with the most gorgeous view.

Not a bad office for the day.

Just wanted to catch y'all up on the past week! I seriously wish I could bottle up the excitement, optimism, and enthusiasm I have right now. That way on my overwhelming days, I can take a shot and get back on track. But, I guess that's what vodka's for. Am I right or am I right?

First exciting thing, I'm officially sending out my first two tech packs next week. MASSIVE moment for Exes and Ohs! The tech pack consists of my fashion illustration, flats, a form with sample fabrics, trims, and hardware, and my spec sheets. I send it to my contractor, and patterns are started! It's a lot of work to get to this point, but after all tech packs are done, my work is done. Well I mean not all of it---I've gotta work my booty off on marketing--but designing wise, I'm done. It's in someone else's hands--which can be a little nerve wracking. Since college, everything I've made has been designed as I go. So when I design something and then just send it out to someone else with fingers crossed that they are mind readers--yeah nerve wracking is probably the best word for it. But my excitement about seeing my samples when they're done overpowers any negative thoughts I may have. Oh, and my faith. That always helps.

Second exciting thing is this week my sweet boss at Ribbons and Bows, Elissa, took me to Dallas Market for a quick 24 hour trip. The trip was AWESOME, and not just because the road trip conversation was hilarious and entertaining, but because I got to go pick out my showroom for market in August! Seriously. I got to go in, tell the director that I wanted a certain room, and it was mine. Pumped. SO pumped. It's right across the hall from a showroom with major bra brands and in a high traffic area. It's perfect. And I get to know what it looks like so I can decorate! It was SUCH a surreal moment just knowing that in a few short months, my dream will be coming true and my line will be in there. That. Shit. Cray.

Also, I cut my line down from 18 to 12 for many reasons. My manufacturer/contractor recommended it and I didn't want it to be too much and too overwhelming for my first time (for both me and my buyers). So I had my family and friends give their honest opinion and vote, and I'm really happy with my final 12!

Whew...I think that's it. Please say many prayers for me and Exes and Ohs since in the next week or so, shit gets real. Sorry for the profanity--but that's the only way to put it. Pumped. Excited. Nervous. Optimistic. Happy. Blessed. Loving. This. Life. and most importantly, Thankful & Faithful.

Thank you Lord for the opportunities you have blessed me with, the people you have blessed me with, and this life you have blessed me with. I pray I glorify you in all that I do--even if it is designing lingerie.

I'll leave you with pictures of my OFFICIAL LOGO and my OFFICIAL SHOWROOM. Exes and Ohs is head to the big time people!!!!!!!!!!!

MY LOGO! I thought of it, my mom drew it, and Beth Davidson brought it to life! Obsessed.

The Future Showroom of Exes and Ohs Intimates!
By the way, if you played my drinking game, you probably don't even understand written English at this point. But, needless to say, I'm excited.
Exes and Ohs,

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