Friday, March 21, 2014

The Road to Market Seems Like A Damn Long One (Kind of Like This Post)

Hi Everyone!

So now, after my previous two posts, you get a little bit more about me and my history, you can understand how I'm here and why. There are definitely days that I think I'm 100% crazy for doing this. Getting to market in August seems like it's forever away but so close at the same time. And so many things to do! See...when I think about it that way, I end up getting a little overwhelmed. Then a little crazy. Then I have a drink...or three.

Just to let you in on the name of Exes and Ohs...I thought of it 6 years ago when I was a freshman. Girls mostly dress because of guys--not for guys (like Betsey Johnson said--"If girls dressed for guys, they'd walk around naked at all times"....although, intimates are a close second ;)). I originally wanted to create a line of dresses that were two different types--sexy dresses that you wear to get your "Ex" back and sweet dresses to wear on date nights or to meet the boyfriend's family--"Ohs." When I discovered my passion for designing lingerie and intimates after working at Ribbons and Bows for several months, I figured the name was perfect. Everything I design is named after guys in my life--whether it be my exes or my ohs (ohs are positive men in my life). The Exes designs are very sexy and usually accompany black lace and a lot of see-through fabric, while the Ohs are more sweet things like bridal items or things to wear to bed. So yes, when you see a sexy piece called "The Kent," it was from a guy I dated or liked. Very Taylor Swift of me, dontcha think?

A lot of people don't really understand what I'm doing or the process's a little inside information. I'm presenting my first "line" of lingerie (I like to say intimates. My designs are more cute, sexy little things rather than crotchless panties and corsets) at market in August. I'll be a part of a showroom with other brands--brands that have been around a hell of a lot longer than a year! (not intimidating at all...) I'll have samples of each of my 18 designs hanging up and buyers go through and see if they like anything and place orders. It gives me anxiety to think that I may not sell a damn thing-but God is in control of my destiny...not me, which makes it all a lot easier and controls my fears.

But, to get to market, there's a lot I have to do. I've designed my line (8 Exes, 8 Ohs, and an Ex robe and an Oh robe) and sent it to my contractor. I had to source fabric, trim, elastic, thread, and pick out the fabrics for each design and the colors offered. I've also had to make flats of each design to send with the measurements of everything. Shoulder seam length, armhole length, ruffle length--you name it, I have to measure it and do a diagram of it. After they get those measurements, my contractor has a patternmaker to produce my patterns. After I approve those, samples are made, which are the ones I take to market. I don't place orders for anything until after market--that way I'm not wasting money or time.

It doesn't seem like very much when written in a short paragraph, but I'm almost 3 months in and still measuring. But, I'll send out my first spec sheets with all the measurements next week on 2 of my designs, so patterns will be made soon! SO exciting!! I still can't believe I'm actually on the road to achieving my dream. God has put me in an amazing position, and I'm pumped about it! I've included a couple of my designs for y'all to look at...just a little sneak peek! Let me know what you think....

And yes, these are both exes.
Exes and Ohs,

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