Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Trust in the Lord With All Your Heart....

Proverbs 3:5-6...Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight

Happy Hump Day Y'all!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far! This week has been a super busy and productive week for Exes and Ohs, but that's not even what this blog is about!

This blog post was laid on my heart today. I was actually in the middle of sewing a new design for Ribbons and Bows when I got an email from It said "TWO NEW JOB OPENINGS IN YOUR AREA" on the subject line. I immediately smiled, laughed, and deleted it without opening it. What's funny about it is that a little over a year ago, I joined Monster after meeting my wits end with Over the Moon, the children's clothing line I had for two years. I had cried to Travis last February in 2013 about how burned out I was on it. I had gone to Austin Fashion Week that previous August with my line and had over 60 orders--that I had to construct myself--on top of the custom embroidered shirts I did. It was too much. I was exhausted. I told Travis through tears that wanted a "real job" with a real salary and normal hours. He has always encouraged me to do what I think is best, and totally supported my new job search.

A company in Lubbock that specializes in children's fashions and accessories was hiring--I knew it had to be for me! It was perfect. Who better to start in a children's design position than someone who had their own business for two years? I was PUMPED. "This is what I was looking for! This is what I need. I just KNOW God led me here. It's perfect," I thought to myself. You could only imagine my humbled response when I followed up and was told they went for someone "with more experience." I was devastated. What happened? Why? Tears rolled down my face. "What am I going to do now?" I thought to myself. Honestly, I had that little bit of anger toward God. Why did He lead me to this if it wasn't going to work out??

After praying and trusting that God always has the best in mind for me, I moved on and started working at Ribbons and Bows Intimates part time to get away from the monotonous days of working alone at my parent's house. I fell in love. It was laid back, fun, and I could actually be social! But as time went on, my love for Over the Moon permanently slipped away. I told my customers that I was taking a hiatus because of my wedding in June (which was totally true), but after I got married, I couldn't do it. I couldn't bear getting back into Over the Moon. My love and passion were lost.

On our patio one night, I told Travis I couldn't do Over the Moon anymore. We discussed that I loved my job at R&B but that I wanted to utilize my degree--I LOVED school. I love fashion design. Travis suggested I try designing lingerie. I loved my job and loved design--why not combine the two? It seemed like a crazy idea--children's clothes to lingerie? What?! But I prayed on it heavily and brought up Travis' crazy idea to my boss, Elissa. She immediately said "DO IT." I knew that was the answer to my prayers. Now, 9 months later, I'm starting a professionally manufactured line of lingerie. God knew what was in store. And man am I thankful for that! (I'm also beyond thankful Elissa gave me this chance. I would've never considered it if it wasn't for her pushing me to do it. Now she's a massive support and help throughout this process. Blessed He brought us together at that church craft show, huh Elissa?)

So, I laugh thinking about working for that company, or even when I think about any 9-5 corporate job. The Lord blessed me with the talent and drive to start a business--I couldn't imagine putting it into anything else other than Exes and Ohs Intimates. I'm thankful that God's plan is always better than my own. I'm thankful that I'm continually reminded to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart...and lean not on your own understanding." My paths will always be perfectly straight because of Him.

I'm not sure what lies ahead for Exes and Ohs this year--but what I do know is that God does. And the end result is what He wants for me. What a blessing, knowing He's in control.

Love to you all.
Exes and Ohs,

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