Friday, March 28, 2014

S#!T is Getting Real--And I Couldn't Be More Pumped

Hi Everyone!

***DRINKING GAME ALERT***Take a shot every time I use some form of the word "excited" may not make it to the end of this post.

I hope y'all are enjoying this gorgeous Friday as much as I am. High in the mid 70s without a haboob? I'm in. And the best part is that I get to work on my parent's porch with the most gorgeous view.

Not a bad office for the day.

Just wanted to catch y'all up on the past week! I seriously wish I could bottle up the excitement, optimism, and enthusiasm I have right now. That way on my overwhelming days, I can take a shot and get back on track. But, I guess that's what vodka's for. Am I right or am I right?

First exciting thing, I'm officially sending out my first two tech packs next week. MASSIVE moment for Exes and Ohs! The tech pack consists of my fashion illustration, flats, a form with sample fabrics, trims, and hardware, and my spec sheets. I send it to my contractor, and patterns are started! It's a lot of work to get to this point, but after all tech packs are done, my work is done. Well I mean not all of it---I've gotta work my booty off on marketing--but designing wise, I'm done. It's in someone else's hands--which can be a little nerve wracking. Since college, everything I've made has been designed as I go. So when I design something and then just send it out to someone else with fingers crossed that they are mind readers--yeah nerve wracking is probably the best word for it. But my excitement about seeing my samples when they're done overpowers any negative thoughts I may have. Oh, and my faith. That always helps.

Second exciting thing is this week my sweet boss at Ribbons and Bows, Elissa, took me to Dallas Market for a quick 24 hour trip. The trip was AWESOME, and not just because the road trip conversation was hilarious and entertaining, but because I got to go pick out my showroom for market in August! Seriously. I got to go in, tell the director that I wanted a certain room, and it was mine. Pumped. SO pumped. It's right across the hall from a showroom with major bra brands and in a high traffic area. It's perfect. And I get to know what it looks like so I can decorate! It was SUCH a surreal moment just knowing that in a few short months, my dream will be coming true and my line will be in there. That. Shit. Cray.

Also, I cut my line down from 18 to 12 for many reasons. My manufacturer/contractor recommended it and I didn't want it to be too much and too overwhelming for my first time (for both me and my buyers). So I had my family and friends give their honest opinion and vote, and I'm really happy with my final 12!

Whew...I think that's it. Please say many prayers for me and Exes and Ohs since in the next week or so, shit gets real. Sorry for the profanity--but that's the only way to put it. Pumped. Excited. Nervous. Optimistic. Happy. Blessed. Loving. This. Life. and most importantly, Thankful & Faithful.

Thank you Lord for the opportunities you have blessed me with, the people you have blessed me with, and this life you have blessed me with. I pray I glorify you in all that I do--even if it is designing lingerie.

I'll leave you with pictures of my OFFICIAL LOGO and my OFFICIAL SHOWROOM. Exes and Ohs is head to the big time people!!!!!!!!!!!

MY LOGO! I thought of it, my mom drew it, and Beth Davidson brought it to life! Obsessed.

The Future Showroom of Exes and Ohs Intimates!
By the way, if you played my drinking game, you probably don't even understand written English at this point. But, needless to say, I'm excited.
Exes and Ohs,

Friday, March 21, 2014

The Road to Market Seems Like A Damn Long One (Kind of Like This Post)

Hi Everyone!

So now, after my previous two posts, you get a little bit more about me and my history, you can understand how I'm here and why. There are definitely days that I think I'm 100% crazy for doing this. Getting to market in August seems like it's forever away but so close at the same time. And so many things to do! See...when I think about it that way, I end up getting a little overwhelmed. Then a little crazy. Then I have a drink...or three.

Just to let you in on the name of Exes and Ohs...I thought of it 6 years ago when I was a freshman. Girls mostly dress because of guys--not for guys (like Betsey Johnson said--"If girls dressed for guys, they'd walk around naked at all times"....although, intimates are a close second ;)). I originally wanted to create a line of dresses that were two different types--sexy dresses that you wear to get your "Ex" back and sweet dresses to wear on date nights or to meet the boyfriend's family--"Ohs." When I discovered my passion for designing lingerie and intimates after working at Ribbons and Bows for several months, I figured the name was perfect. Everything I design is named after guys in my life--whether it be my exes or my ohs (ohs are positive men in my life). The Exes designs are very sexy and usually accompany black lace and a lot of see-through fabric, while the Ohs are more sweet things like bridal items or things to wear to bed. So yes, when you see a sexy piece called "The Kent," it was from a guy I dated or liked. Very Taylor Swift of me, dontcha think?

A lot of people don't really understand what I'm doing or the process's a little inside information. I'm presenting my first "line" of lingerie (I like to say intimates. My designs are more cute, sexy little things rather than crotchless panties and corsets) at market in August. I'll be a part of a showroom with other brands--brands that have been around a hell of a lot longer than a year! (not intimidating at all...) I'll have samples of each of my 18 designs hanging up and buyers go through and see if they like anything and place orders. It gives me anxiety to think that I may not sell a damn thing-but God is in control of my destiny...not me, which makes it all a lot easier and controls my fears.

But, to get to market, there's a lot I have to do. I've designed my line (8 Exes, 8 Ohs, and an Ex robe and an Oh robe) and sent it to my contractor. I had to source fabric, trim, elastic, thread, and pick out the fabrics for each design and the colors offered. I've also had to make flats of each design to send with the measurements of everything. Shoulder seam length, armhole length, ruffle length--you name it, I have to measure it and do a diagram of it. After they get those measurements, my contractor has a patternmaker to produce my patterns. After I approve those, samples are made, which are the ones I take to market. I don't place orders for anything until after market--that way I'm not wasting money or time.

It doesn't seem like very much when written in a short paragraph, but I'm almost 3 months in and still measuring. But, I'll send out my first spec sheets with all the measurements next week on 2 of my designs, so patterns will be made soon! SO exciting!! I still can't believe I'm actually on the road to achieving my dream. God has put me in an amazing position, and I'm pumped about it! I've included a couple of my designs for y'all to look at...just a little sneak peek! Let me know what you think....

And yes, these are both exes.
Exes and Ohs,

Monday, March 17, 2014

Being a McCabe=Becoming an Entrepreneur?

en·tre·pre·neur·ship-1.process of identifying and starting a business venture, sourcing and organizing the required resources and taking both the risks and rewards associated with the venture 2. having the last name McCabe and thinking owning your own business would be fun, exciting, and at times a little overwhelming

So, as most of you know, I'm not the only one in my family that is crazy enough to start their own business. My brother and my sister both own businesses in Lubbock. Cassidy opened her dance studio, Dance Warehouse Studios, Inc, about 5 years ago. Like I said in my previous post, Cassidy was absolutely born to be a dancer, and I know she feels so blessed to share her talents and to teach others her passion every single day. Her studio is definitely out of the box (neon colors, anyone?) and so are her teaching styles, which are the reasons for her incredible success. Carson started a restaurant 3 years ago called The Choc'late Mousse Pie Bar, and it pretty much became an overnight sensation. Yeah, he's the guy that put pie in a glass and freaked some folks out while doing so (What?! No slice of PIE?! I can't take it!!). Both Carson and Cassidy just won Best of the West for Lubbock (Best Dance Studio and Best Dessert, of course), and I seriously couldn't be more proud of them. I've seen the work they've put in, and they both inspire me to work just as hard to get what I want and to achieve my dream.

People are absolutely so sweet and complimentary about the three of us being entrepreneurs, but what some people don't understand is that this is all we know. My dad is brilliant. He designs and invents industrial laundry equipment, so we were raised by a man who literally stopped at nothing to build his business and to be a success story. We've had the perfect role model to teach us work ethic and determination, and we've only grown up around someone who LOVES their job (some may say...obsessed with it?) He went through major ups and downs and has taught me to NEVER give up. Ever.

I posted this conversation between us on my status a month or so ago:
Me-"I'll be happy if I just make a profit on my line, even if it's $100."
My dad-"No. You will be happy if you break even. And if you fail, you'll be happy you did. Then you're going to get your ass up and try it all over again."

And don't even get me started on my mom. The four of us would be nowhere if it wasn't for my mom. She is the brains behind each operation. She's an inventor, chef, dance teacher, and fashion designer all rolled up in to one brilliant and creative mind. She's designed logos, painted walls, looked at fabric, picked music, helped with recipes, and done some interior design. I mean, this woman can seriously do it all. And never, ever complains about it.

Is it easy to start a business? No. Is it easy to own and maintain a business? Absolutely not. Is it worth it? Definitely. We all get to wake up and look forward to our day. I literally get excited to go to sleep because I know that means I get to wake up the next morning and work on my line. We all work weekends because we WANT to. I think "blessed" might be the most overused word ever sometimes, but I can't think of another word about how I feel. I'm not lucky. I didn't just get this life by "luck." God blessed me with this life, this family, and this opportunity. I am "blessed" to have a supportive husband who tells me I can do anything, too. I thank God every single night that I've at least gotten to take this chance. I may go to market and fail, but it's been so much fun to even try. I know Carson, Cassidy, and my dad will say they're pretty "blessed" too to be able to own their business. I always refer back to this Steve Jobs quote:

So "blessed" to love what I do.
Exes and Ohs,

Monday, March 10, 2014

From Dentist to...Fashion Designer?

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to start a blog about my journey with Exes and Ohs Intimates so I'd be able to go back and see the process and everything I accomplished, and so others could just have a little peek at this major life moment of mine. I also wanted to blog about it because I promised myself that I would glorify God in this process. I am exactly where I'm supposed to be because of God's will for my life. Sometimes it feels silly to say or think "God led me to design lingerie!" but that's exactly what He's done...and I couldn't be more thankful. But more on that later.

To me, to understand someone's present and future, you need a little history about their past. Growing up, Carson was an incredible artist. He was creative, intelligent, and could draw or paint anything you asked for. His talent was (and still is!) undeniable and unbelievable (I mean the guy started THE Pie Bar). From the time Cassidy was little, she was the most phenomenal dancer-it was undoubtedly what she was born to do. God blessed her with the ability to dance in a way that no one could take their eyes off of her. I think she's won every dance award ever at this point and now owns a thriving dance studio. Then there was me: I was the bookworm. School was always my thing--I loved it and it came easy to me. I knew from when I was little that I wanted to be in the medical field. Specifically, I wanted to be a pediatric orthopedic surgeon.  I never thought that I was artistic or creative. I felt like Carson and Cassidy got those genes and they skipped me--which was totally fine. I even waited until my senior year of high school to take an art class because I knew I'd be terrible, and that class definitely changed everything.

It was just a regular art class for a fine art credit and I dreaded it. The teacher was Carson and Cassidy's old teacher so I knew he expected greatness from me. I think I even told him not to get too excited--my siblings were gifted in art and I just wasn't. At the time, as a senior, I was accepted to Texas Tech and my degree was already set as Pre-Dental (I realized throughout my life that I have a horrific fear of bones--weird I know--so orthopedic surgery was out). Anyway, I started this art class and realized that God didn't skip me on the art genes. He blessed me beyond belief. My teacher complimented me and told me I should look into the art field. I felt compelled to browse degree plans at Tech and see what was available. When I saw Apparel Design and Manufacturing, I knew it was for me. I told my parents I was changing from Pre-Dental to Fashion Design. My parents, who are the two most supportive people EVER, were like "Yeah! Go for it!"...I know now God stepped in to my life and led me to do fashion design.

It was such a huge shift to go from academics to creativity. I knew it was a massive chance to go into fashion design but my faith was too strong to change my mind. I've always known that God has specific plans for everyone and that you meet people you're supposed to meet and that you have major experiences that you're supposed to have. His plan is beyond perfect and I trust in Him with every part of my being. He's led me this far without leaving me, so I know that if I go to Dallas Market in August and fall flat on my face, it's because He wants that for me. It's because He has something SO much better in store. My life is in His hands, and I couldn't be more thankful and more blessed that it is. So, I'll leave you with this:

I can't wait to find out what else I'm living for.
Exes and Ohs,