Monday, July 28, 2014

We're Talkin' Exes and Ohs...The Football Kind

Okay I do realize I'm a lingerie designer and that this blog is usually about that: my life as a lingerie designer. But there is one single time a year where I go from feminine, girly designer to a basic, beer drinking, cussing male. That time of year is coming up in about 33 days. Yes....YES...I'm talking about Texas Tech Football (and, well, football season in general).

To say I'm obsessed with football could possibly be an understatement. I'm not a girl who "loves football" to impress guys or to look cute on Facebook. I love football because it's a legit obsession. I guarantee I was the only girl at Stangel dorms my freshman year of college with an autographed picture of Dwayne Slay hanging on my bulletin board, right next to my sorority pictures and fashion designs. Seriously though..Dwayne Slay was everything to me. My senior year of high school he absolutely annihilated Allan Evridge from Kansas State. I think I fell in love a little bit. I mean...there's even a GIF of his hit.

Seriously...does it get better than that? I've even YouTube'd it since then.

I just love football no matter how I can get it. My husband and I have shamelessly watched random football games that some obscure sports station shows in April just to get our fix. I actually walked into our living room a couple of weeks ago and Travis was watching the TiVo'd Holiday Bowl. I even get sad at the 4th on Broadway parade because I hear the drum line and realize it's not football season.'s an addiction.

Okay so obviously I'm not a football expert, even though I have won my Fantasy Football League...TWICE (no brag, just fact), but I think there is one MAJOR thing that makes an okay team a top 10 team (Kliff, you listenin' bud?). The offensive line.

(I had to. Who doesn't love Modern Family?)

I have been saying since 2008 (remember 2008? The most glorious year of Tech football ever?) that the offensive line is everything. Let's all be honest: Graham Harrell wasn't exactly Tom Brady. He was probably more like Tony Romo. Before everyone starts crying and throwing things, what I mean is that Harrell was panicky under the least bit of pressure (like Romo). In 2008, Harrell had the offensive line dreams are made of. They averaged out to be the biggest offensive line in football that season (maybe ever?!). They didn't let anyone TOUCH Harrell. I think he stood, glanced at his watch, yawned, and looked down the field at each receiver before he ever had to make a decision as to who he was throwing to. And if the offensive line had any pressure on Harrell, he freaked out, panicked, and threw an interception. Then got a little whiney. (Harrell, if you're reading this...stop crying. You know I'm right.)

So, I will always, 100% say that we were THAT good in 2008 because of our O Line. They were magnificent. Our offense couldn't have been record setting without them. I know I'm leaving out Crabtree, but Crabtree wouldn't have been as great as he was without a quarterback that had 12 days to throw the ball. I KNOW HE WAS STILL AWESOME. EVERYONE CALM DOWN. But really, let's take a moment and just thank the gracious Lord upstairs for Rylan Reed, Louis Vasquez, Brandon Carter, Stephen Hamby, and Marlon Winn--the group of guys that made this girl's heart skip a beat. I loved them all the way I loved Dwayne Slay.

So anyway, I'm pumped. I'm ready for Tech football. I'm ready for Kliff and the team to show us what we're made of this year. I'm excited to see a sold out stadium every week.

Damn...let's all hope these 33 days pass quickly. I'm ready!

Exes and Ohs,

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