Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Game Plan Has TOTALLY Changed...

Hey Y'all!

I know it's been forever since I've posted. Things around Exes and Ohs have been busy, but I haven't been able to post much about it. I've been getting in my samples from my incredible manufacturer, WhiteStar Manufacturing out of Austin. Quick plug: They. Are. So. Fantastic. Seriously. My samples have been exactly what I'd hoped for. The fit is perfect, and other than a few cosmetic changes on the design, everything has been wonderful. They're so informative, helpful, and positive. I've never felt like an idiot with questions on a million different things. Designers: GO TO WHITESTAR.

Anyway, a kind of huge thing happened last week. As you all know, my game plan has been to design everything, get samples made, and take them to Dallas Market. Last week, I contacted a rep for another line, just to get some information about Dallas Market. I asked her how many people she usually sees per market. Her answer? 5-9. BETWEEN FIVE AND NINE. What?! I could stand on 82nd and Quaker and see more people that would want to purchase my line. Why on earth would I spend money to go there, to maybe see 1-2 people a day?! The traveling expenses, the hotel expenses, then the market expense? There's no way I could make a profit after all of those things and seeing so few people. So, I changed my mind and my plan.

So, Exes and Ohs will officially be going on the road! I'm going to take my samples to the stores themselves and do trunk shows. I'll also be sending out line sheets, swatches, look books, and anything else buyers may want to help make their decision. Is it a little stressful to have plans change? Yes. Am I worried? Not at all. I have faith in my designs and I have faith in the fact that this entire journey of mine is in God's hands. He's led me to this point...why would He abandon me now? I'm just so thankful that I found out about Dallas Market before signing a contract. I also did research on Curve, which is the MASSIVE market with just about every lingerie brand in the world that shows in New York and Vegas twice a year, and I now have a goal set as to how much money I need to make this first go-around to be able to have a booth in Curve next year. I will have a booth at Curve next year.

God has blessed me with such amazing opportunities, and I know this game changer isn't a surprise to Him. He holds my future in His hands, and that is such a beautiful thing to me. He's blessed me with the ability to design and has placed the subject of body image on my heart. I really want to use Exes and Ohs Intimates as a platform to change women's ideas about the way they look. I've already had a few blog posts about body image, so expect many more.

I pray that you have a beautiful week and that you start thinking more positively about yourself. I look forward to what else is to come on this journey for me and Exes and Ohs! And don't worry...I'll keep you updated. :)
Exes and Ohs,

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