Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Social Media...Is It Damaging Your Confidence?

Hi Y'all!

I hope everyone has had a great last couple of weeks! I haven't posted because everything on the Exes and Ohs end is pretty boring. I've been writing letters to buyers to introduce my line to them, as well as working on paperwork for market. But, I'm really excited because I'll get my first few samples in this week from my manufacturer! I'm SOOOO excitednervousanxiouscan'tsleep. :) But this post is about something that's been really heavy on my heart lately!

I wrote a post a month or so ago about Healthy VS. Skinny in the lingerie world (and really in the world in general). I talked about how models bodies are unattainable and can make girls have unrealistic expectations of their own body. But over the last few weeks, I've realized that I don't compare myself to models. I compare myself to other women on social media. I know I can't be the only one. Seriously, how many of you have been scrolling through your news feed and you're like "DAMN! She looks good. Gosh, why can't I have those abs/arms/legs/thigh gap?! I bet she only eats salad. Why don't I look like her? Where's her cellulite? Did she use a filter? Ugh, I'm never eating again! Not until I look perfect in my bikini!". I know I've done it. I've beaten myself up over the fact I've gained weight since my wedding, even though it's mainly been because of health problems dealing with my back and neck (and my love of cupcakes). But I still get embarrassed when a new picture is posted. I get really self conscious like "What is everyone thinking?! Why can't I put a disclaimer on pictures like "Oh hey, I can't work out the way I used to because my neck and back are falling apart?!" Does everyone think I let myself go now that I'm married?". It's a confidence killer for sure. But in the past week, I realized how consumed my mind is by my own negative thoughts.

I finally had the big light bulb turn on that made me realize that I'm not fat, I'm not overweight, and I'm not unhealthy. My body is simply different than it was a year ago, and that's ok. God has blessed me with THE BEST LIFE. Seriously, I couldn't be happier, and I'm ruining it by even caring what anyone else thinks about my body, especially people I went to high school with that haven't seen me in 7 years. There are so many things about me that are absolutely wonderful that have nothing to do with how I look. But I know I'm not the only one who's gone through this social media insecurity. Girlfriends of mine have talked about it and even women on Facebook have posted about it. But seriously girls, let's get it together.

I think the female body is SUCH a beautiful thing. Think about what it's capable of! I know most women get annoyed at their boyfriend/fiancĂ©/husband because he can drop 10 pounds at the drop of a hat by "not eating as much." Either they do that, or they complain about how they need to gain weight. *insert the most dramatic eye roll here* But their body is not even close to being able to do what ours does. We can literally grow and carry a human being around in us for 9 months! How incredible and absolutely beautiful is that?! But unfortunately, most women only see the negatives of their body before, during, and after babies, because we want to look like someone else. But hey I have something to tell you...STOP WANTING TO LOOK LIKE SOMEONE ELSE. God created you to be exactly who you are. LOVE YOURSELF. Love your eyesLove your curves. Love your flat chest. Love that big ol' booty. Love your stretch marks. LOVE YOUR BODY AND YOURSELF. RIGHT NOW. This very moment. Stop being negative. Look in the mirror and be like "Damn. It is good to be me today! I'm *fill in the blank with something positive*!!" I know it sounds ridiculous and over the top, but there's already so much negativity out there! Why add to it?!

My main goal with Exes and Ohs is that it'll give women confidence. I want you to feel good in front of the person you love. I've designed the panties to have lace waistbands so they don't dig in. I've made the cups of bras to where small or large busts can look AWESOME in them. I did thongs and full coverage undies for different tastes. I kept women in mind when I designed my line. I kept in mind what my insecurities are and what other women have told me they want. Exes and Ohs is designed to make you look good and feel even better.

Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Embrace your body today, no matter what it looks like. And embrace those traits that will never change with your waistline: your personality, your goals, your demeanor, and how you make others feel.

And just FYI, I think the term "thigh gap" is the most absurd thing of life and needs to be deleted from everyone's mind forever.
Love to you all!
Exes and Ohs,